AuxDefense 2020 world conference brings together online world experts from the defense sector

From 6 to 8 July, Fibrenamics from UMinho, with the support of the Portuguese Ministry of Defense, brought together experts from 55 countries on 5 continents for the 2nd edition of the conference that discussed the future of R&D in the defense sector.

From 6 to 8 July, Fibrenamics – R&D platform of the University of Minho – promoted in digital format the second edition of the AuxDefense 2020 world conference, a biannual event with the support of the Portuguese Ministry of National Defense, which brings together some of the greatest international researchers working in the defense sector.

In order to present the most innovative developments in this area, the AuxDefense conference brought together several universities, research and technology centers, military institutions, companies and all those interested in the research and development (R&D) of advanced solutions and materials for the defense sector.

The AuxDefense 2020 conference was attended by 600 representatives from 55 countries on 5 continents, and was held in a virtual forum format for sharing ideas and presenting the latest developments and trends in the sector, with proposals for new solutions and promoting international collaborations.

Nano and microtechnology, biotechnology, sensor technology, stealth materials, intelligent materials and structures and energy generation and storage were some of the themes highlighted in this event where the specialists and participating institutions were able to show how R&D in this area contributes to increase the safety and survival of military personnel in different theaters of operations, and to meet equipment maintenance and operational requirements.

This year’s edition of the AuxDefense conference took place 100% in digital format and had free participation, but with mandatory registration through the link

The AuxDefense conference is an outcome of the AuxDefense project, funded by the Ministry of National Defense, which aims to develop advanced personal protective equipment with high impact resistance, cut and drill and military equipment components (composites) with excellent impact resistance . The project has already given rise to new ballistic vests and helmets, knee and elbow pads, using structures with auxetic behavior.

Img - Auxdefense Workshop | Defesa 2030

AuxDefense promove Workshop sobre o futuro do setor da Defesa

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Ministro da Defesa na ‘AuxDefense Conference’

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